All You Needed to Explore About Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are known to be twisting, swollen and enlarged veins that often appear as dark purple and blue. This issue is to happen if faulty valves in veins allow blood to flow in wrong direction. Around 23% adults generally get affected by this vein issue in the US. In order to know more about this varicose vein issue, you should see here.

Lesser known facts about varicose veins

There are lesser known facts about varicose veins that you know. First of all, pregnant women are regarded as more susceptible to this problem. On the other hand, the overweight or obese people are known to have increased chance of developing varicose veins.

What varicose veins really are?

Varicose veins are such swollen and large veins which basically develop on feet and legs. These veins normally do not require any treatment for the health reasons. But if there is discomfort, pain, aching or swelling is seen due to this issue, then you may need to seek proper treatment. Everything needs to be done as per the advice and guidance of a professional doctor. 


There could be various symptoms of varicose veins. In most of the cases, there is to be no pain and any visible symptoms. Few of the symptoms are lumpy, swollen and twisted veins, dark purple or blue appearance of veins. On the other hand, some individuals may also face symptoms like aching legs, heavy legs, swollen ankles etc. In some cases, there could be instances of spider veins, shiny skin discoloration, venous eczema, atrophie, Blanche etc.  


In most of the cases, varicose veins are not to develop many complications. But in some cases there could be complications like bleeding, chronic venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis etc. If you face any of such complications, then you really need to consult your doctor to get the right solutions. 

Home remedies

There are some home remedies for varicose veins that you may decide to go for. Few of these remedies are avoiding prolonged sitting or standing, raising legs, losing weight, exercising etc. These remedies can provide temporary relief and solution to the problem. It may also prove to be effective in preventing the issue from worsening. Before resorting to any of these solutions, you are supposed to get the recommendation and advices of a professional doctor. 


In case a patient does not have any visible discomfort or symptoms and is not bothered by sigh of varicose veins, then treatment is not recommended. But if there are visible treatments, then one may need to consider getting a suitable treatment. Proper treatment is supposed to reduce discomfort, pain and resolve various complications in the process. If left untreated for long, varicose veins can cause other complications like swelling, skin discoloration, leg ulcers etc. 

Some people may sometime wish to get treatment to treat this issue for absolutely cosmetic reason. Even if there is no pain or symptoms, varicose veins may make the affected skin area ugly and place. This is one of the best reasons as to why so many people seek immediate solution for treating this issue. Few of the treatment options are given below.

  • Surgery

In regard to large varicose veins, one needs to undergo a surgery. General anaesthetic is required in this surgery but the patient is allowed to go home in that same day. Overnight hospitalization is not mandatory. If one needs to have surgery on both legs, then overnight hospitalization may be necessary. 

On the other, in case of smaller varicose veins, laser treatment is more suitable to say the least. Strong bursts of lights are applied on the affected veins. This helps the affected area in fading and disappearing. 

  • Ligation and stripping

In this method, two incisions are basically made. One is made near patient’s groin at top of target vein and other is to be made further down leg, either at knee or ankle. Top of vein is generally tied up and properly sealed. Some flexible and thin wire is threaded through bottom of vein and pulled out. This takes vein with this. 

This specific procedure may need hospital stay as it may sometimes result in pain, bleeding and bruising. One may need to 1-3 weeks’ time to completely recover after this process. It may also be recommended to wear compression stockings during recovery. 

  • Sclerotherapy

In this procedure, some chemical is generally injected into medium and small varicose veins. It closes them properly. It takes around few weeks to completely fade. Veins may require to be injected several times. 

  • Radiofrequency ablation

This is another useful varicose vein treatment where a small incision is generally made below or above knee. Then a narrow tube aka catheter is threaded into this vein with help of ultrasound scan. Doctor is to insert some probe into catheter that emits radiofrequency energy. This energy is to heat up veins making its walls to ultimately collapse. Then it gets closed and sealed shut. It is more suitable for the larger varicose veins instead of smaller varicose veins. Local anaesthetic is required for performing radiofrequency ablation. 

  • Endogenous laser treatment

In this procedure, some catheter is generally inserted into vein of the patient. Then small laser is basically threaded through catheter and properly positioned at top of target vein. This is to deliver short bursts of energy to heat up vein which seals it properly. 

The whole procedure is needed to be done under the anaesthetic. In order to know more, you should see here. You must explore more about this issue as per your need and convenience. 

Written by 

John Willis is a graduate of Developmental Communication from the University of the Philippines. He works for as the editorial manager of the team.