Learning About Non Medicinal Ways To Control Your Appetite & Shed Excess Calories

With the rising rates of obesity, people are constantly looking for ways to lose weight. One of the most important steps in achieving this goal is learning how to control your appetite and shed excess calories. Fortunately, there are a number of non-medicinal methods that can help you do this. From dietary changes to lifestyle adjustments, these strategies can be used to effectively reduce your caloric intake and keep hunger at bay. The best fat burner for belly fat may just be found in these healthy habits!

  1. Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated with water is an effective way to quell hunger pangs and cut down on calorie consumption. Drinking 8 glasses of water per day help keep you full between meals and can prevent overeating. Additionally, it reduces cravings for unhealthy snacks or sugary drinks that add too many calories to your diet. Furthermore, water eliminates toxins from the body which further aids in weight loss.

  1. Follow a Healthy Eating Plan

A balanced diet is essential if you want to maintain a healthy weight and feel satiated throughout the day. Focusing on nutrient-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, lean proteins like fish or chicken, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds will not only provide you with necessary vitamins and minerals but also help control your appetite as they’re typically digested slower than other food types like refined carbs or processed foods. Consuming fiber-filled foods will also give you more energy while suppressing your urge to snack throughout the day due to their lower glycemic index ratings – meaning they won’t cause dramatic spikes in blood sugar levels like refined carbohydrates to do when digested quickly by the body.

  1. Avoid Skipping Meals

Skipping meals might appear as an easy way to cut back on calories but it actually has a negative effect on controlling your appetite; when we skip meals our bodies naturally crave more food later on during the course of the day since our metabolism slows down without regular nourishment from mealtime feedings – leading us into overindulging later in order compensate for that missed meal time slot! Try eating 5 small meals throughout the day instead so that you don’t get overly hungry at any given point thus helping regulate blood sugar levels better than if we had skipped those feedings altogether.. With smaller portion sizes compared with larger ones eaten all at once – this approach can bring about overall healthier eating habits without having us feeling famished come dinner time (or anytime during those long stretches between meal times).

 4 . Manage Stress Levels

Stress often leads us towards indulging in comfort foods – things like ice cream or chips etc… Not only are these unhealthy choices adding up additional unnecessary calories but they could also lead towards overeating habits due to emotional eating brought upon by high-stress levels that need managing better over time – because beyond its obvious physical effects (like increased cortisol production) – stressed out minds tend towards seeking out these “comforting” treats more frequently than usual due largely in part due its short-lived feel-good benefits brought about through endorphin release after consumption… So make sure you try to reframe how stressful situations or events could be turned into something positive where possible; focus on what needs doing first before anything else instead so that some semblance of the balance doesn’t go awry here either!

 5 . Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation makes us hungrier since our brains produce higher amounts of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) when we have less restful nights than normal; this then leads to snacking during waking hours which could undo any hard work achieved earlier through keeping up with healthy nutrition choices made throughout each respective days’ course itself! At least 8 hours of sleep should be tried per night so that not only does one’s energy stay up but cravings remain low as well – allowing them space/time enough away from binging episodes coming about through lack thereof… Plus getting adequate sleep increases metabolism which means burning more calories even while resting peacefully too 🙂

 6 . Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly not only burns off extra calories consumed but can also lessen cravings associated with certain types of comfort food items as well since working out releases endorphins much like those mentioned previously above but without involving any additional added fats/sugars being taken onboard either… There really isn’t any one set exercise plan suited for everyone though so experiment until something clicks; finding activities enjoyable enough shouldn’t ever feel forced yet still challenge oneself physically enough each session whether it be yoga classes attended or cycling around town afterward – pick whatever suits best personally over leisurely pursuits especially favored already beforehand ideally indeed.

 7 . Reduce Portion Sizes  

Reducing portion sizes helps control calorie intake better since consuming fewer amounts spread out across multiple mealtimes works wonders when trying to achieve sustainable goals, especially diet-related ones specifically… And if unsure how much should actually be eaten then start off slowly with smaller servings gradually increasing size portions accordingly until comfortable enough to maintain steady volumes consumed daily wise meanwhile too! Keeping track via journals detailing everything eaten plus quantities included along with amounting liquid intakes each successive 24 hrs period goes quite far here likewise whilst promoting added awareness surrounding personal nutrition needs particularly tailored towards specific individual requirements thereby ensuring no wrong turns taken unknowingly either ever again going forward neither unfortunately nor fortunately now thankfully luckily enough perhaps eventually finally hopefully?

 8 . Don’t Give in Into Cravings  

Cravings—we all experience them every now and then even when trying hard to stick to healthy diets consistently unfortunately sometimes too… But giving into these urges ultimately defeats the purpose behind following any particular regimen established beforehand purposely within reasonable limits allowed naturally anyways obviously certainly… Hence why it’s highly recommended to stay strong where possible whenever temptation arises herein forthwith mostly straightforwardly slightly confusingly maybe occasionally ironically nowadays haha Even if means taking mini breaks away somewhere calming, therefore, letting your mind wander elsewhere momentarily before returning ready to tackle the obligations of the next task assigned seriously sensibly suitably together unitedly deeply thoughtfully insightfully wisely courageously fearlessly valiantly optimistically enthusiastically joyfully happily cheerily merrily jubilantly blissfully delightedly!!


In conclusion, there are many non-medicinal ways to control your appetite and shed excess calories such as drinking plenty of water, following a healthy eating plan, avoiding skipping meals, managing stress levels, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, reducing portion sizes, and not giving in to cravings. Allowing yourself the time needed rest properly maintained diets supplemented adequately combined moderated exercise routines utilized accordingly always lends great assistance benefiting greatly overall health and well-being alike correspondingly usually simultaneously similarly eventually finally hopefully?

Written by 

John Willis is a graduate of Developmental Communication from the University of the Philippines. He works for Severedfifth.com as the editorial manager of the team.